To mark 2024’s Volunteers Week, we spoke to a few of our dedicated individuals to hear some of their favourite volunteering memories and advice for future volunteers.

Breda Marcel, volunteer since 2020

Breda has been volunteering with London’s Air Ambulance Charity for almost two years, doing a variety of activities such as bucket collections, volunteering in the office and at our events, and placing collection pots in her local community.

Breda retired in 2019 after working for Merton Youth Justice Service for nearly 20 years, contacting victims of youth crime to offer them support and information and facilitating a restorative intervention between the victim and the young person who committed the offence.  

After signing up to make a small monthly donation, Breda was surprised to learn about the volunteer opportunities and contacted us when she retired.

Due to the pandemic, she was unable to volunteer for two years but she mentioned that during this time she “was really impressed with the way the Volunteer Team kept in touch, offering online talks from the team of doctors and paramedics and keeping us updated about future plans. This also gave us the opportunity to meet other volunteers that we would be working with when things got back to normal.” 

Read Breda’s full interview below: 

Breda Marcel
Breda at a bucket collection

What do you enjoy the most about volunteering with London’s Air Ambulance Charity? 

I really enjoy feeling that the little things I can do support a charity that saves lives. As volunteers we are made to feel part of the team, which I also very much enjoy and appreciate. 

What is your favourite memory of volunteering with us since you started?  

One of my favourite memories is the first time I helped at the abseil at The Royal London Hospital. People were challenging themselves to raise funds for the charity and many people were really keen to share their experiences and gratitude on behalf of themselves or family member or friend. I have now helped three times at this event with hundreds of people completing the abseil with huge smiles. 

What would you say to anyone thinking about volunteering with London’s Air Ambulance Charity? 

If you are thinking about volunteering don’t hesitate. There is never any pressure to give any more time than you are comfortable giving, and a range of different opportunities are available.  

Why do you believe in what London's Air Ambulance Charity does?

The charity exists to save lives or where possible minimise the life-changing injuries of the patients they are called to help. They also provide support, advice and help to the families of those they have saved. 


Jag Visavadia, volunteer since 2022

Jagdish (Jag) has been volunteering in the London’s Air Ambulance Charity shop at The Royal London Hospital since June 2022 while also working in a full-time role elsewhere. He has managed to fit volunteering in our shop at least once a week into his busy schedule and is one of our most reliable and enthusiastic shop volunteers.   

What do you enjoy the most about volunteering with London’s Air Ambulance Charity?  

There are various reasons I enjoy volunteering with London’s Air Ambulance Charity. Amongst them is working with a good team of like-minded volunteers who enjoy giving customers information about the charity and selling merchandise. 

Volunteering in the shop also gives me a feeling of making a small and hopefully significant difference by selling merchandise and raising vital funds for the charity. 

This is a fulfilling role in the sense some patients will come in the shop with the sole aim of talking and having someone listen to them. 

What is your favourite memory of volunteering with us since you started?   

My favourite memory was being invited for a tour of the helipad. It was very interesting listening to a medic who gave a talk on various aspects of the work they carry out during missions. 

Also, the view and seeing London landmarks from the helipad was amazing. 

What would you say to anyone thinking about volunteering with London’s Air Ambulance Charity?  

I would wholeheartedly recommend to anyone considering volunteering as this is a fantastic charity helping trauma patients.  

Why do you believe in what London’s Air Ambulance Charity does? 

I believe in what London’s Air Ambulance Charity does as the team will attend an incident which could be life-threatening and requiring critical medical intervention at the scene and save lives.  

Amina Singh
Jag in the shop (right) with fellow shop volunteer Amina (left)


We would like to take this week to thank all of our volunteers, who dedicate their time and efforts throughout the year. If you would like to join our team, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our volunteering team, or read more about our volunteering opportunities at London's Air Ambulance Charity.


London, we still need you. Help keep us flying so we can carry on saving lives across London.
Help keep us flying so we can carry on saving lives.