• In June 2020, after meeting friends in Brockwell Park, Alice was cycling back to her house in Streatham. Just a few minutes away from home, Alice was struck by a car and immediately unconscious.

  • On 3 October 2023, 34-year-old Virginia was cycling to her job at the time in the Department for Business and Trade, along a route she had been cycling for six years. Her Tuesday-morning commute was going smoothly as she approached the final stretch to the office, cycling along Chelsea Embankment. All of a sudden, in a narrow section of the cycle lane, her bike collided with another bike and she fell into a busy road.

  • On a sunny day in April 2023, 57-year-old Mike took off in his two-seater plane on an outing from an airfield in Upminster. After flying his passenger over Hanningfield Reservoir, they landed to refuel and prepare for another flight over Brands Hatch. But this second trip didn’t go as smoothly.

  • On 30 September 2022, on her way home from a late night at work, Sarah slipped and fell between the platform gap and the door to an underground train at High Barnet. With no one having witnessed the fall, the train departed and another one arrived. Sarah was left bleeding on the tracks, severely injured.

  • On 17 January 2022, Milana – a mother of two – accidentally fell from a great height in London. Her life took a turn that no one could prepare for.

  • Three months after moving to London and beginning her career as part of British Airway’s cabin crew, on New Year’s Eve 2019, 25-year-old Lauren was a passenger in a horrific road traffic incident. She was the sole survivor of the crash.


London, we need you. Time is running out to replace your life-saving helicopters.
Time is running out to replace your life-saving helicopters.